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Spirtual Healing

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Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT)
(one to one basic session, around 1.5 hours)

Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is a powerful, quick and accurate spiritual healing technique that helps you to find and remove blocks which keep you from living a healthy, prosperous and abundant life. SRT works on a spiritual level to help eliminate spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical challenges which are often linked to past life issues.

SRT works directly on a spiritual level by-passing the conscious mind to release negative programming. Using a pendulum, a set of charts, and a specific series of questions all discordant programming in the subconscious mind and soul records can then be cleared.

SRT consultations can be on a one-to-one basis, by telephone with the interactive participation of the client, or remotely. With remote or absent clearings, the results are mailed to the client. This type of clearing may benefit those who wish for anonimity, although total client privacy is practised by all SRT practitioners working under the Spiritual Response Association's Code of Conduct. Many clients request SRT clearings for loved ones who, although unaware that the work was requested can, as a result, experience positive changes in their lives. (Note: the soul's permission must be received before any SRT work can be performed)

SRT also works very effectively on animals and can be applied to restoring harmony in homes and offices.

Areas that SRT can help:

  1. Release your subconscious blocks : Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity, Health, Happiness, Harmonious relationships.
  2. Break your old habits: Cravings, Addictions, Drug abuse, Health abuse, Childhood fears, Allergies.
  3. Release repeat patterns: Relationships that don't work, making the same mistakes over & over again, Emotional difficulties.
  4. Empower yourself :Conquer your phobias, agoraphobia/claustrophobia, etc., Break free from manic depression, Remove your obsessions/compulsions, Leave the past behind you, Deal with relationship conflicts.
  5. Increase your energy : Replace negative thinking with positive.
  6. Reach your full potential, Achieve your dream, Freedom to make your own choices, Discover focus and clarity, Live in harmony with yourself, Regain your confidence and self-esteem.
  7. Regain your Health: Effective in releasing health challenges and Physical disabilities limiting your life.
  8. Clear negative energies: Around an important meeting, from your home/work, Around birth, Around death (including the dying & dead).

Consultation Fee:HK$1,380 (per hour), Cash Only:
For Appointment, please call 5486 6898 or E-mail to [email protected]

SRT ~ Towards Abundence Session (one to one session, around 1.5 hours)

If you tried very hard, but always unable to get satisfy achievement; or you have tried every possible way to maintain or restore a relationship, and finally not success; You might feel discourage, depress, disappointment, pain or loss of self-confidence, etc.

The SRT "Towards Abundence" Session, can provide an effective and efficient way to help you release the negative emotions/stress about career wealth, health, family, relationship and interpersonal. Let you breakthrough to the next level in the current status, towards an abundence life.

Consultation Fee:HK$1,380 (per 1 hour), Cash Only:
For Appointment, please call +852 5486 6898 (Whatsapp) or E-mail to [email protected]

Payment in cash only, the session takes from 1.5 to 2 hours normally, depending on the individual circumstances of how much issue that need to handle. The final payment will be counted in proportion.

Making Appointment Method
1) Please deposit HK$600 at least three days before appointment date as confirmation.  The deposit will be refunded after SRT session completed.

2) HSBC account: 041-4-038885
    Bank Of China account:026-719-10123-568
    Please send us the receipt after bank-in the deposit via Whatsapp/email and confirmation is made after receiving out reply.

3) If you want to change the appointment date, please contact us 24 hours before or else the deposit cannot be refunded.

SRT Power Symbol Necklace

Left : Silver HK$450; Middle : Golden Rose HK$480; Right : Golden Rose/Silver HK$480

1.5 inch / 4 cm in diameter

Power Symbol

It is the energy of the universe composed of symbols, the basic pattern: round, square and triangles. Thus the wearers can get the creative and purifying energy from the origin of the universe which is endless powerful life force.

Wearing the Creative Power Symbol, it is obtained from the natural energy of the universe basic graphics, therefore raise or create the great energy inside the body. In order to remove physical, emotional, mental and spiritual which accumulating every day with different levels of negative energy and space. It can be gradually transformed into a higher level of energy field. Thereby facilitating self-clearing; feel relaxed; mental clarity; energetic and strengthening the protective of personal aura field.

As the symbol is a cosmic energy, negative emotional stress and negative energy is rapidly discharged when worn at the beginning, so that some people might feel physical or emotional, varying degrees of discomfort.

However, if the discomfort persists or is intolerable, simply take off the necklace and put it back on and gradually extended the wearing time after the discomfort disappears.

Sandra's Radio Programmes about SRT﹕
Media Introduction and Interviews


Sandra's SRT Certificates:

SRA Certified SRT Consultant since 2010
Certification of SRT Intensive Skills Class since 2010
Certification of SRT Mastering Abundance Class since 2011
Certification of SRT Self Mastery Class since 2011
Certification of SRT Advanced Class since 2008
Certification of SRT Basic Class since 2008